Gesundheit Sarnatzky Fatigue
Gag Gerard Sarnat with tarnished silver spoon so boring to
you all now… how our kids got/ get along with each other
…juco, university education maybe nada? … just jobs vs
satisfying careers? partners, or not? family?... affairs?
separation? divorce? …custody trips to Disney World…
peruse Robin Hood picture books unless lazy…jackknife,
piggy bank gifts…pet Vietnamese pot-bellies squeezed by
boa constrictors…rugby…telescope gazing… transcendence
…service…creativity…vanity…relationships (and of course
their spouses’) to alcohol/ drugs, too much-little moolah…
lavish dwelling$, cutlery, fanciest cars…plus to nephews…
ditto among six grandchildren-boychicks as well as sons/
daughter-in-law on ‘n on ‘n on ‘n…carping sorta kvelling
which still endlessly fascinates me -- rarely even my wife.
Still Ever-Expanding Territory of So Cal Sarnatskyville X-Rated Ex-Shtetl
Beatific Betsy Butterfly, Benjamin Blaze
Sarnat blowsy yellow daffodils, green miner’s
lettuce or thorny boysenberry jamboree brambles;
trio seemingly unaware that sitting on logs, we listened.
Right next door, our corralled not-so-thoroughbred
horses, including itchy mares Mabel and Ginger,
kept rolling in muddy mix of dust plus lichen moss
before they all tobogganed toward Stromboli Gate,
through olden-times Elf Village into their novel Fairyland
where some kids pretended to find Paul Bunyonesque
Tyrannosaurus Rex dagger-sized teeth well’s Pterodactyl
feathers among real turkey vulture pickings left over from
red tail hawk/ coal-black raven feasting. This balmy afternoon
continues with skateboards then bikes down dare-devilish
hilly gravel driveway to attempt side-saddle-relay-race-thrill-
a minute-now-ever-widening asphalt cul-de-sac rodeo gyres
which my omniscient fifteen-old winking grandson, referentially but bit jokingly,
enlightens his lively bro/ four first cousin-boychicks, It’s called Sandy Lego! CAUTION:
Coachie’s classic car-chocked his/her garage opens up plethora convertible command
performances as new bold Porsche Boxster bra approaches cute old toot-toot Fiat clasp’s last-gasp.
, slime-settled Sally Salamander sang
for fine friendly forest fiddles, flutes, flugelhorns
Davening* Self-Guided Meditation
After absorbing message
of Command Option,
step away from keyboard.
Prayerful hands clasped
as steeple, spaceship
blasts well past quotidian
concerns --but only when
you have cleared
decks of just-surfacing
issues, how Dad could
not comfort Mom,
which sad role model
their firstborn inherited
plus has now spent
last over half-century
attempting to get beyond
with my own wife
well as nine grand/ kids.
Look at beatific photo
of parents hanging
on office wall above
favorite Edward Hopper
painting represents
bad years of Depression
Holocaust, World War II;
I entered this world
11 days post conflict’s end.
Somewhere Gesundheit
Sarnatsky [Gerard
Sarnat] learned a lesson:
Forgiveness/ freedom
are the exact
same word in Arabic.
New insight old memory
feels an act
of personal kindness.
Ten fingers released
from 🙏
down below to cup
both balls no longer
seem to
dominate all actions.
Our long conjugal bed
appears before
me although suddenly
only single body’s left:
it’s unclear
who is missing…….
Fast scan passed times
business with family
well as friends done,
what will life
be like whilst gone?
Teeth tingle, arms bear
stigmata that
remind son of his father.
Partner running vacuum
cleaner upstairs
startles enough to open
eyeballs to too early
Spring’s Japanese
maples’ blazing fractals.
So, Gerry, seize today!
Ask yourself,
What do loved ones
need or want from you?
And what more
should I seek from others?
And then what expanded
universes could
patriarch offer to himself?
This morning’s exquisite
miniature among
pillars of human minions
approaching finish, bathed
amidst blue sky,
joy joining youngest daughter
plus boychick toddlers soon
as re-emerge
to bake challah for tonight’s
Fridays-if-in-town Shabbes
we celebrate together;
thusly still suspended, amen.
*Yiddish for bowing in prayer

Origin Story: Cradling Afghan’s True Root Source?
Caustic # 2 grandmother
(who wasn’t the one I liked
much), partially because she airily
insisted on being addressed,
Grandma, plus Ger giving her big fat
kisses despite such a bad case of halitosis
nevertheless, knit beautiful
many-colored crocheted woolen
blankets, three of which to this day
cover backs of a chair, couch
and reluctantly serve as our baby blue,
maroon, pink, gray, black, cream bedspread
oy, though my loyal wife still disses
Florence even more than I do: this early autumn
chilly morning, start of Rosh Hashanah’s New Year
we now stay in bed wondering
how exactly these seemingly unique
quilts got their names for comforters
crafted well as used by Ashkenazi
Jews -- certainly not from anywhere
near current “stans” -- that led to Google
searches make it clear Hebrews,
of course, had lived there 2700 years
ago in what was then called Khorasan
after First Temple’s destruction
during hateful so-called Babylonian exile
from Jerusalem, presumably Joseph’s home.
Carpet trader/ caretaker of Kabul’s
only synagogue, Zablon Simintov, born
in 1959, appears to be Afghanistan’s last…
RIP RBG haiku
First chill of season
blew Rosh Hashanah dinner
before we knew why.